Building immersive sound walks in 2019

Me again.

What happened to the Internet? Why is everything fun and creative that I remembered and was sick of around 10 years ago all of a sudden gone? Flash has been my nemesis for years, and I jumped on every opportunity to crack a moderately funny Flash joke back in my creative coding/interaction design days, but its discontinuation has also left a gaping hole of sadness in the development of quirky, open, fun multimedia experience websites.

All I wanted to quickly build was a web app of some sorts that plays media based on your location. Let’s dumb it down, and make it sound only, and focus on building a sound map. This doesn’t even need to be location-based. Just a site with a 2D representation of territory, and click or tap on a particular feature, play an audio track.

So what’s out there?

I just discovered Echo.XYZ and was hopeful. Their website sounds like a bunch of fun, creative, energetic people took the initiative and created a solution for their particular problem and decided to share it with the world.

We came together looking for a way to create a GPS-triggered audio tour in Hanoi in 2013, and ended up deciding to create our own platform.

I immediately feel invited when they tell me to create breath-taking GPS-triggered tours wherever I am. Sounds like me. Tops.Screen Shot 2019-01-10 at 6.35.14 PM.png

I have all I need to test this out. An image of my sound recording and a sound (converted to m4a). I find the location on a map and put everything nicely together, but I am confused how to preview my work. After all, I lose all the work I have done. I give it another go and then realise I probably need to download the app. An iOS device at hand I download the app and fail to login with my credentials the first time. Weirdly, the second times it works. The bugginess continues when I select my walk. It is great that I can download all data while on Wi-Fi to avoid data charges during my walk, but when I want to start, the app crashed. Also the second, third, and fourth time.


I give up. This could have been too good as a prototyping solution. Unfortunately too buggy.

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